Thursday, January 26, 2012

No Title

I know that it is hard to keep a positive mind frame when you are going through trials in life. I am trying to keep myself positive as I go through my trials in life. I hope that I inspire and encourage someone on this blog.

Be the change that you want to be

Paint a new picture

Even in your darkest hour the light is still shining

Go within and discover your true you

Don't give up, persevere

Drop pessimism and pick up OPTIMISM

Get active

Listen to your inspirational cds, music, movies whatever it is to keep your mind in that positive zone.

Don't ruminate in your head the bad self talk that is keeping you in a funk.

Quiet your mind, meditate.

Go to a different reality

Give thanks and gratitude for all that you have in your life.

You know what? You can do it! Just hold on!

Breakthrough the challenge!

Step beyond your mental limitations and take your mind to a new level.

Write your own peace

Write a new chapter in your life

If you fall, then what are you going to do? GET UP!!!

You are a wonderful person don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise!!!

I know you can do it!

Your thoughts brought you to this place and your thoughts will bring you to another place.

Rise up and claim what is yours!

Your soul is on pause, press play and listen to the beautiful music playing.

If you could do it all over, then what would you change? Stop thinking that! No "Do Overs" you can only go Forward!

Reinvent your mind

The opposite of down is up

The opposite of left is right

Two plus Two Equals whatever you want the number to be in life. In other words, you have no mental boundaries

Imagination will get you to the next step

Help is here

Take a pen or pencil and a piece of paper and draw. It is up to you to draw your own picture.

Did I mention get creative in your life?

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